What were you for Halloween?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Nothing in front of ebay

This is the P.O.box 9847...


typed by : Sebastian.

This my nonsense but I like this but it's not really my nonsense but I like the Monkee deuw
It was a green night and a bad guy was trying to kill me. But I would run away from him and then I went home and I was safe. I locked the door so he could never get in. He looked like a big mouth-- he just didn't know me, then I just bonked his head. When I did go home, umm, I killed him with a carving knife. Because I was afraid he would tackle me and attack me and I would be his lunch. But I ran straight home from him and I was really, really, really, really, really safe. I had to kill him because he was very, very, very bad. Before I was going to kill him I just went to get the carving knife in the kitchen because I had carving knifes in the kitchen. The heads were always in holes. The heads are the sharp parts. I didn't get in trouble of killing him because I didn't have parents. I was a big, big, big grown-up who was smart enough to know what to do. Do you know how old I was? I was 98.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could you let me know where those carving knives are? I've been looking for them.