What were you for Halloween?

Friday, June 29, 2007

Tooth fairy

I am the tooth fairy. And I give a coin and toy and a kind of candy to everyone who lost their tooth. It's a fun job to have. Well, I work in candy stores. And to make the candies until they are just right and finished and I make sure they are not broken. And I have the name tag of the person's first name and I see the same first name on the front door. And I give it to them. And I love working.
What I was wearing to be the tooth fairy was my costume made of my pj's, my sweatshirt, the color gray, on my back I had wings, beads, and shoes.

Thursday, June 28, 2007


I'm playing the electric guitar. Dorian's playing the acoustic. And Daddy's playing the classical.
Because I'm playing in my underpants is because we could not find any good clothes. It was because it was hot, too.
DeeDee is so funny! He's playing ukulele. You might know what this color is called- yellow.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Playin' in the pool

DeeDee, oh funny DeeDee! He's standing by the pool. He's wearing his bathing suit. Before it was mine. But it had a hole in it.
Me and DeeDee are having fun. Me, I'm putting water into-- you might know what this is called-- a water spinner.
Me and DeeDee are having soooooo much fun!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Pea plant! Yay!

I'm pointing at the pea plant. I picked the pea. Snapped it in two halves to share it with my mom. And ate it. Yum yum! It tasted good. There are some flowers out there we discovered. The flowers are gonna turn into the same kind of peas. Sugar snap.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Lake Spofford-- Playin' with Riley

I'm looking at Riley's silly face. We are playing in rings.
How we were floating is putting our hands on the tube and putting our feet inside the water. It was fun. Whose tubes? They were for Riley.
That's Dorian and David. We also call him "Davy." How Dorian says Davy is "Daby." Dorian and Davy are friends. Me and Riley are friends.
We had a good time at Lake Spofford. What happened when we were leaving-- a big rainstorm came up.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

One more radish to be eaten

There was one more radish to be eaten. We didn't know that was there the whole time. It was under the soil. Our radishes did do well. We had a lot of radishes that were done. But there were no radishes for us to eat on there. How many radishes I got to eat were 4. And how many we planted were 26. So they did well by being in the sunshine and being sprayed by water. And sprinkled by it. So what else happened in our garden, there is a pea pod growing and is almost ready to be eaten! We have lots of flowers on our pea plants. What else is growing well is the lettuce. Our melon plants are bit up but they are growing.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Philly Saturday-- Great fun!

Dorian and me are making funny faces. You know what Dorian's eating? A munchkin. What I was doing is reading a book. We're going to Philadelphia! Who I was going to visit was Emily and Erin. They are my friends. They are also my very, very special mates. They're also my cousins.
We were in Philadelphia at ARTspiration. I'm making my T-shirt.
Dorian's making a crazy lookin' shirt.
I'm doing hopscotch.
I'm painting on a wall.
I saw African dancers. The lady was doing a show first. She weared some crazy masks. One of a man and one of a woman. The African dancers danced. Some other people played the drums.

Philly Sunday-- Fun!

I'm on a carousel with Daddy. My carousel's name was called "Skyflyer" and Daddy's was called "Chewy Chewbit." The carousel was at Franklin Square park.
I'm in the sand looking at all the things made out of the hard sand. What was made out of the hard sand I saw there were pyramids.
I'm bouncing on something. I'm bouncing on a bouncy bouncer. What else they had on the playground were 2 curved slides, one curving to the left and one curving to the right. I goed on a bouncy, springy seesaw.
I was trying to find the prize with the clues. What Emily and Erin made for me was a scavenger hunt. I collected up the clues. What I found in the barbecue was a blow up Earth ball.
Emily, me, Michael, Dorian, and Daddy are playing a concert. I'm playing the acoustic guitar. Michael and Dorian are playing the bongos. Emily's playing the shakers. And Daddy's playing the trombone. We're all making beautiful sounds.

Philly Monday-- Gooder day

I'm riding on a seal. Dorian's on a pelican. I'm at a playground in Philadelphia.
Dorian's in the butterfly house. The butterfly house was at the Camden Children's Garden. In Philadelphia. How many butterflies I saw were 27. There's also a wishing well where you get a coin or a penny. I got 2 pennies and throwed them in the water because other people did. So I decided to wish things. What I wished is to play a banjo and a mandolin. I would play the mandolin while I was riding a two wheeler. I wish I had a two wheeler. What the butterflies had to drink if they were thirsty was sugar water.
Me and Dorian are playing with the water. I had lots of fun.
Me and DeeDee are riding on carousels. What I named my horse was "Beautiful" and Dorian's name for his horse was called "Funny."
Me and Dorian and Jeremy are riding on the train. The train went around and around the track.
Uncle Jack surprised me on Monday afternoon. What I did with him was an explore upstairs.

Philly Tuesday-- I love sleeping!

Me and Dorian are sleeping. We're going home from Philadelphia. I had a good trip. My favorite part was riding on the carousel. I had a busy day. On Tuesday, we went out to breakfast. I didn't know what the place was called. I ate some small circled pancakes. We went out to eat with Emily and Erin.
Then we drove home. Where we stopped on the way home was to Ikea. What I did there was go in the children's room. It was fun.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Our garden is growing all
Our radishes are growing tall

Readin' on the go

I'm reading about Poppleton. Poppleton the pig. Poppleton Has Fun is the title. There were 3 stories. My favorite was "The Soak." It says that Poppleton, when he is feeling happy, a bath soak would make him happier. All the stories are: "The Movie" then "The Quilt" then "The Soak." The book next to me is called The Great Fuzz Frenzy. It is fun. Except part of the story is bad. Big Bark is a mean dog, but then he becomes a nice dog.
DeeDee's reading something. Dorian's reading Dr. Seuss's ABC. He pulls out a lot of books. And I help him clean up. He's happy when he's reading and he's happy in this picture. Next to the pillow he's reading on is called Mouse Paint. That's one of the books I like to read.

We read about in the car. I mostly read Giggle Bugs. Dorian likes to read Giggle Bugs, too. Dorian reads it the least. We're gonna bring new books in the car when we go to Philadelphia. When we are going there is tomorrow! What books I want to bring in the car is Mouse Count and one more book, which is called Mice and Beans.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Walker Farm is fun

We were looking for tadpoles. We didn't find any but we did find some water striders.
There are some lily pads and a water lily. That's a pond you can swim in. I think it's very deep.
I'm riding on a horse. Cortney gave me a quarter for that. The ride was fun. That horse doesn't have a name because it's fake. It was a long ride. DeeDee got on the horse for a little bit.
Cortney also gave us strawberries. Organic tiny. We bought 2 black plums. And they were good. I had one for breakfast today and one for dessert after supper yesterday.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

At the lake

We're at Lake Spofford. The north side. We usually go on the south side. We goed on the south side three days. I'm pouring water into a sand hole. I was making a mud pool. What Dorian's doing is throwing rocks into the water.
Dorian's looking at me. I'm deep out far out in the water. The swimming was fun. The water was a little cold and a little warm.
Dorian's in mud. He's all wet and dirty.

Monday, June 11, 2007

What's in this picture?

Answer: Only crazy shapes.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


I'm measuring flour. We're making Whole Grain Chippers. The cookie.
I'm pouring some sugar. I'm eating a lollipop. The lollipop is: sour apple.
I'm mixing the batter. Batter is a mixture made of food. Try to remember that.
I'm still eating the lollipop. And what else I'm doing is scooping up the dough. We made a very big amount of 12 and 12. 12 and 12 is 24.
Sebastian's recipe for Whole Grain Chippers
You have a just fluffy and hard mixture. What she mixed first was some butter and eggs. 1 pinch salt. And some baking soda. What I measured was flour. The kinds I did were: all-purpose flour and whole wheat flour. What I put in there to make it sweet was Domino white sugar. Mom put in brown sugar to make it extra sweet. We also had to put in there chocolate chips, from the long blue container there were oats, and from the short blue container there were sunflower seeds. Then I mixed it all up. And we put it in the oven so it could bake.

Where I'm gonna take the cookies is to Steven and Jason's house. Me and Steven are going to play together. I'm going to play the same thing what Steven's doing. He's the tallest kid. He's 5. 2 years older than Jason. He's 3.

[Ed. note: Sebastian is wearing a t-shirt featurng the Khmer alphabet on the back. His friend Aidan brought it back from Cambodia for him.]

Friday, June 8, 2007


Me and DeeDee are in the car. We're ready for a bath. We were leaving from Living Memorial Park. We were playing around. I was playing with Riley. I was playing with another nice guy. I don't know his name. Because I never met him. We were playing tag and other games. How we got so dirty is because we were playing in the dirt.
We're outside. Naked. Now we're gonna take a bath. How we were gonna do that is by doing it with the hose. Mama sprayed us. It feeled too cold for me. It was fun but I ran away. I want to do that again another day.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Last day of school

I'm at the sandbox. I was playing on the last day of school.
This is Melissa and me. Melissa is one of our teachers. The other is Kathy. Melissa does special things.
This is me and Kathy. Kathy's our second teacher.
I'm in the mud puddle with Ruby. This is where we usually play velociraptors.
I'm gonna miss Ruby and Riley and Ukiah and Ava and Aiden. I'm not going to Hilltop Montessori anymore. Instead, I'm going to the public school. But first, I'm gonna homeschool. Homeschool means you have a school at home. The kind of things we would do could be playing. I could do my kits.
My favorite things about Hilltop were playing on the playground. I'm sad to be done. I'm excited of the summer because it will be hotter than today.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Playing Guitar Hero is fun!

Daddy and Dustin are playing together. Dustin is our friend. He works at Walker Farm and he makes vegetables and fruits.
Dustin's showing me what to do. How you play Guitar Hero is you have a guitar, push a note button, strum by doing it with the little thing that is black. And it's a cylinder of a triangle.
Rob's pushing the keys for me. He's saying "Rock and Roll." Rob's our friend. He does have a new house.
Dorian's looking at a kitty. The kitty's name is Albert. The hiding kitty, the shyest kitty, is Mona. She was gray. Albert was yellow. Cortney and Dustin's were they.
I'm making sounds in the cup. It says, "Have a happy day." Quinn is sitting behind me. She is one of our friends. She is very nice to us.
We had macaroni and cheese with some broccoli and some nice sour pickle slices. Dustin and Cortney made macaroni and cheese. But mostly Dustin. It was fun to go to their house. Everybody loved my peach pie.