What were you for Halloween?

Monday, November 5, 2007

Watch out! Don't forget it's my birthday! Bow bow!

We're eating lunch at my house for my birthday and Dorian's birthday. It isn't really our birthday. My birthday is November 6th. Dorian's birthday is November 10th. We were on our birthday party. I invited a lot of friends. I can't really say all of them. I don't really have time. I had Riley, David, Lydia! There's the White Pants!!!!! The White Pants is me, Lydia, Dorian and Daddy. We played 7 songs.Dorian's playing keyboards.
Lydia was singing and a guitarist. I was a guitarist, I sang a little bit of vocals and played drums. Daddy played drums and guitar. Dorian played keyboards. It was a great band!
We're playing with our toy noses. Those came from our goodie bags from iParty. The bags weren't from iParty, the noses were from iParty. I got a lot of presents. I remember a telescope, a camera, an autoharp and a toolbench. I remember some blue silk from Riley and a star planetarium from Lydia.
Set list for the White Pants 11/4/07
1. I hurt myself. Ow!
2. Good job!
3. I love this
4. the White Pants!!
5. The super!
6. This is an awesome ride
7. Now it's time for so long


Anonymous said...

It was a wonderful party. I'm so glad you invited me. I was also very impressed with The White Pants. You did a FANTASTIC job. Bravo!!

Love, Mimi

P.S. Nice bike.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that set list sounds incredible! I'm so sorry to have missed it, because it sounds like a really great show.

Listmaker said...


best set list ever.

happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

My birthday was on Sunday, November 4th!

Happy Birthdays all around!

Erin Van Yuga

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Can't wait to come to Vermont and see the White Pants in person sometime soon...


shawn said...

Happy birthday! I'm sending you a cake in my head. It is made with domino sugar and lots of love.