What were you for Halloween?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sebastian and Dorian shop

We were shopping for people who didn't have enough food. And stuff for the bathroom. We bought juice, canned fruit, and noodles. Toothpaste, toilet paper and soap and shampoo. We got some chili and cornbread mix. And mac and cheese. Peanut butter, cereal, tuna fish, raisins, oats. Then we put it to the food bank at the Drop In Center. We give it to people at the Drop In Center and they give it to people that don't have enough food. We gave them stuff for Thanksgiving and other times. We got them before toys and clothes. Please-- You! and you!-- give them some food, too.
What did you do, Dorian? Giving. To people's house.
[Ed. note: Demand in our area went up by 25% this year. Not to be too preachy, but everyone's help is needed and we urge you to support your local food bank with either money or physical donations. The woman we spoke to today said what they need the most is peanut butter, toilet paper, and diapers.]

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