What were you for Halloween?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Philly Monday-- Gooder day

I'm riding on a seal. Dorian's on a pelican. I'm at a playground in Philadelphia.
Dorian's in the butterfly house. The butterfly house was at the Camden Children's Garden. In Philadelphia. How many butterflies I saw were 27. There's also a wishing well where you get a coin or a penny. I got 2 pennies and throwed them in the water because other people did. So I decided to wish things. What I wished is to play a banjo and a mandolin. I would play the mandolin while I was riding a two wheeler. I wish I had a two wheeler. What the butterflies had to drink if they were thirsty was sugar water.
Me and Dorian are playing with the water. I had lots of fun.
Me and DeeDee are riding on carousels. What I named my horse was "Beautiful" and Dorian's name for his horse was called "Funny."
Me and Dorian and Jeremy are riding on the train. The train went around and around the track.
Uncle Jack surprised me on Monday afternoon. What I did with him was an explore upstairs.


Anonymous said...

What a great trip! Riding a two wheeler while playing an instrument is pretty tricky. That would be fun to watch. I am so glad that you got to see Uncle Jack.


The Paquette Brothers said...

I would just strum the mandolin with one hand and just pedal with my two feet around and around.

Anonymous said...

The bicycle/mandolin combo makes me think of Kermit the Frog in the first Muppet Movie!

Great Aunt Kate

The Paquette Brothers said...

Seems like that to me, too.