What were you for Halloween?

Friday, June 8, 2007


Me and DeeDee are in the car. We're ready for a bath. We were leaving from Living Memorial Park. We were playing around. I was playing with Riley. I was playing with another nice guy. I don't know his name. Because I never met him. We were playing tag and other games. How we got so dirty is because we were playing in the dirt.
We're outside. Naked. Now we're gonna take a bath. How we were gonna do that is by doing it with the hose. Mama sprayed us. It feeled too cold for me. It was fun but I ran away. I want to do that again another day.


Anonymous said...

dirty and naked seems like a great way to start your summer vacation.

jamie said...

what kind of hippie commune are they running up there in Vermont? i am scandalized.