What were you for Halloween?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


In the morning, I got a big idea. I thought what fun it would be to have a show. What I planned was to have costumes, books, cars, animals, bugs, and music. So we got out everything we needed from the backstage which was our bedroom and took it to the music room where we were going to perform. We made a program and I passed out tickets and we painted 2 billboards. (This show wasn't going to perform without passing out tickets.)
This is us in our costumes for a short Act 1.
Dorian's doing his butterfly. I'm performing the music. His butterfly flied and danced.
Dorian's holding Kermit the Frog. I think I'm starting to put down my guitar.
There I am a magical fairy. And what I did while I was a fairy was waving my wand and go Bing!
Right now I am fixing a chair. Dorian's playing the xylophone.I'm playing the drums. And we had lots of things for our show. Even a white curtain and a red ribbon to wrap it up when the curtain would open. Quinn helped do it. But the show did turn out well. We had a medium audience: Quinn, Cortney, Dustin, Jeremy, and Allison. And the audience did like the show. Especially Jeremy.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry I missed your show. Maybe you can put one on for me when I come up for your birthday.


Anonymous said...

Hey Skippy,
Wow you put a lot of work into planning your show. I bet they all loved it. I like your new guitar.

Love, Mimi

Anonymous said...

that was quite the production. don't forget about us little people when you become a famous producer/actor/designer/musician!