I love my little brother.
I learned how to play this by my dad. He said, "G-F-A sharp-C-F-D-C-F-D-A sharp-C-G-F." And for the last part, he told me, "C-D-E (in slow motion and then a little faster) C-E-D-G." I wanted to learn how to play this because I wanted to play the whole "Cathedral Pictures" from Animusic 2. But I just know the end and the beginning. Please watch this movie now! "Cathedral Pictures" sounds just like "Pictures at an Exhibition."
As soon as you watch this movie, you'll see the bass you're looking for. That's me!
Now, this time, we're flattening it on the cup with a screen on it. We squished it and it seemed to put water right into the cup from the pulp.
Now, we put them on a screen with a towel beneath it to dry. We made 5 of them.
Here I made a little book. It's my book about Animusic. I called it and wrote on the cover, "My Little Book of Animusic."
It felt good when I touched the pulp. The paper felt good, too, itself. The recycled paper is hard, rough, and tough. It was good writing on it, only I complained a little bit. It was a little too hard for writing. It was a little harder to write on because it was harder than regular paper. And it's not as smooth. I'd like to make paper again.
Yellow, blue, red, yellow, blue, red.
Green! I love green so muchy muchy duchy, too. My caterpillar's name is Jeremy. And mine is Jermeny, Daddy I mean.
Speaking of Animusic, I like the music and it's also because of the look of it. Dorian wants to watch it every day. I'm wearing a bow tie. I don't know why, I just am. Hee hee hee! Look at Dorian! He's bootiful! I did it.
Look, Dorian's hands are near his eye. That means his hands have eye. Look at his necklace, he's just puttin' it around his face.
I love you!