What were you for Halloween?

Monday, January 14, 2008

Rock Band Rock Band!

It's Daddy playing a guitar. And Rob playing a guitar. And Dorian playing the drums. And I am playing the guitar. We played Rock Band at Karen's house. Her house is down the road, right next to Walker Farm. We played and we played very late. And in the middle of our playing we had our pizza party. And carrots and cookies. Karen's playing the guitar. Karen! Playing the guitar! We managed to play a song called "Wanted Dead or Alive" with Dustin even though he wasn't there. But I'll tell you how it happened. Well, that very evening we had our TV plugged into the computer, the computer plugged into Dust, and the same thing happened at his house. He is in San Francisco right now.


princess cortney said...

i was glad to see those shirts made the blog. and i was super glad to get to talk to all of you. that made my day.
love you

Anonymous said...

it was pretty fun to play with all of you. cool how it works if you plug the computer into me we can play from across the country. you all made my mom's day by the way. and hey - nice lookin caterpillars.
