What were you for Halloween?

Friday, September 14, 2007


This is the one hundredth rainfall. I'm looking down with a stick. What day this was was the day before the day before yesterday.
Dorian's in the puddle. I'm looking at him.
I'm in the puddle. Dorian's looking at me.
I'm drinking water. The water's coming from the cloud.
Dorian's on the steps. I'm looking not at him. I'm looking down at the ground to see if any bugs are coming out. I got that raingear from LL Bean. Grandma sent my new boots and the rain coats. It feels good to be out in the rain. It's different because the clouds aren't gray when it's not raining. The rain felt quite a soft shower on me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You and your brother look very handsome and cheery in your new rain gear. This is the perfect time of year to enjoy the rain.

Miss you