What were you for Halloween?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Once upon a time, we were driving over to Marian's house. My stomach felt funny and my mouth and throat began to dry up. My intestines wiggled. I felt as if I were sick. It took one hour and I couldn't wait 'til we got to Marian's house.

In this picture, I'm wearing very funny eyeglasses. I call them "Slinky eyeball glasses." I'm also wearing a jester hat. I look funny.
I'm wearing those eyeglasses that Sebastian was wearing. I love going to my friend's houses. It's very fun. This was a good day I had at Marian's.

I'm playing pinball. I really liked playing pinball because it waits an hour. I wait an hour to play it. Sebastian was also playing.

This is me and Dorian's string band. I am playing the guitar. And I am playing the mandolin-banjo. It's called the banjolin. I love playing songs together when I like playing "The Rattlin' Bog."

And we got some funky presents. I got this bang flag gun. When you push the trigger, the nozzle opens up and a flag that says "bang" reveals out of it. I got some candy that makes you have funky teeth. It's really funny. I liked going sledding last year. It was really fun sledding last year. I love sledding, Mama. I was scared on my toboggan that I was going to fall. I kept yelling, "No, Sebastian! Not that way!" [Sebastian kindly reminded Dorian that this post was not about sledding. It was about going to Marian's house.]

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