We were having a gingerbread house making party today.

Look at all the candies! We had Chex, pretzels, marshmallows, red licorice, gumdrops, gummi Lifesavers, little kinds of disky things
[Necco wafers], I also bought Kissables, sort of gummy raspberries and blackberries, Mike and Ikes, mix of bear cookies and bunny crackers, and the final nonpareils. I liked the candies...

...until we were soon making the gingerbread houses. (Decorating.) I invited Riley and Lydia.

I'm decoratin'. I'm dipping in the candies with sugary glue. Then I put them on the house.

Look at Lydia! She's decoratin', too.

That's me and Lydia.
[Riley declined to be photographed.] From left to right, Riley's is on the very left, then Lydia's, then mine, and Dorian's. Doesn't my head look a little bit like Dorian's?

Look at DeeDee! He's trying to eat candies!!!!!!!!!
I had a good time. YOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!