What were you for Halloween?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Blogger workout

[Feel free to fire me-- this is the second event in 3 days for which I didn't have my camera. Sorry.]
We went to the Guilford library for an event of a program show and I loved it! I loved it, too! We went on a nature walk and this program show was supposed to have 2 events, but instead, the second event was in the middle of the first event. The first event was great, but the next event was just a whole game. We met a squirrel named "Squirrely Okie-Dokie Smith" who was a baby and she was so cute. And saw was drinking some milk. And we built something. A nest! We used mud, sticks, leaves, and even grass and hay. And even water! That's not true, he just thought it was made with water. We also had the game which was pretending squirrels where we pretended we were squirrels. I was Squirrely, another boy was the mom, and another boy was the dad. We had such a grand time.
Then, a picnic lunch it was. We ate and ate until we were full. The second program was about bugs. We looked at rocks to see if there were any water bugs on it. This was at a river. That was a special blogger workout.

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