What were you for Halloween?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Magnet experiment

See these magnets? Well, this paper maybe says how the thing can move or stay. That means that the magnets attract or repel. If it's north and south or south and north, then it will attract. It repels if it's south and south or north and north.
I was trying to make it repel by making the ring magnet float.
And on another experiment of the same magnet one, I got 10 little objects and I tested them to see if they were magnetic. Only the lunch box was. It was made out of metal. I even checked my sword, a boat, a ball, and many, many others. And the ones they were made out of that weren't magnetic were wood, glass, plastic, paper and even cardboard.

1 comment:

Crispin H. Glover said...

Fantastic experiments and a very thorough write-up. If we had a real sword, it might be magnetic but I think we'll stick with the cardboard sword for now.