What were you for Halloween?

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Just One Day and One Night, pt. 5

Chapter 5
Funny End of the Day

They weren't so good. I'm talking about these keyboards that wouldn't work. I couldn't believe my eyes! I was in a music store and none of the keyboards work. Suddenly, one worked!
Then I went home again. And I played my bass guitar. I forgot that it was out of tune. Then all of my instruments didn't work because they haven't worked in 3,000 years.
I was skateboarding and ALL OF A SUDDEN... who should I see flying back to me, but the allosaurus in a helicopter!
The allosaurus jumped out and said, "Whew, my friend, you look older." And I said, "Yes, I'm 19 years old."
He got out his toolbox, got out his tools, and began fixing the instruments. I was skateboarding in my band room and waiting for my friends to come play in the band.


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