What were you for Halloween?

Monday, April 30, 2007

The school mystery hours of everything in the whole world

I went to All School Gathering in the Upper El. I loved it. I was talking about we were starting our letters at the top because that's how you write letters. It's fun at All School Gathering.

The song was so fun. There was so much fun.

The poem was called "Two Little Bluebirds, one named Jack and one named Jill." We're holding up bluebirds.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Going to the farm was cute about the piglets for us

We went to the Putney School and we went to the farm. Noah sent us to the cow house.
We saw very big cows and little cows. One of them outside was called Zeus.
The cows were mooing in the pasture.

We saw piglets. They were wrestling around and grunting. They were making a pig pile. They were pooping in one place. Daddy's favorite was the striped.

We saw some hens and I heard a rooster. It was so funny. The hens were very funny... Daddy told me one of them was carrying an egg.

The brown horse and the black horse looked lonely because I just didn't know what they were doing. The black one wouldn't look at me because he was afraid of the pickies and I'm one of the pickies. The pickies clean up the house before they go to bed.

It was so very, ever so very, the best farm ever, fun.

Friday, April 27, 2007

The same thing that it was like for me

The worm was very cute and slimy.
The worm was protecting soil for our garden.

Gravity is something that pulls everything down. It's an invisible force.

The balls rolled down the stairway. That was funny because I didn't notice that gravity was coming.

I was going a little crazy like a housefly. Because I didn't know I was crazy like a housefly.

The picture is so cute. I love it.

We were playing bocce for 15 minutes. Olivia was there. She wanted to play with us. I was getting points. Olivia kept sneaking through, but I got a little sneaking through.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

My favorite movie is...

My favorite movie is Dumbo. Sometimes the elephants call him "Jumbo" but one of the elephants says, "Jumbo? You mean Dumbo." Dumbo and Dumbo rhyme because they have the same letters. I like all of it. And the bubble part. Because of the song called "Pink Elephants on Parade." A Bachyderm is an elephant that has a trunk and then a worm trunk. It's very funny on the part after that because of the silly words the crow with the circle glasses says.

It's fun but hard to do

I was dancing along with Ratatat.
My dance is called "The Year of the Pig."
Dorian's dance was a little slower than my spins.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Very interesting and beautiful and I love it!!!

"From the Bobblue Dinosaurs"
A bobblue is an azure bird. It's different than a bobwhite because you learn a lot.

"Dark Sun, Light Moon"
It's very interesting. I love it. I drawed dark suns and light moons and one light sun.

Just what I wanted!!

A package came in the mail yesterday.
It had a drum and a mole. A knitten mole.
Blue is my favorite color. The drum goed boom like a tom-tom.
Auntie Shawn sent it to me. I love her.

Dorian's picture is so cute. He calls it mome. He can't say Alice.

Monday, April 23, 2007

It was the thing that was ever made for me

It was great for us to go to the boardwalk!!!!
I was fine. I thought I would see a turtle with spikes on its back.
But I didn't see one.

Mama took a picture of the salamander. It looked shy.
I loved what I saw in the water. I saw a salamander and minnows and they were so good.

And even a water skeeter.
The water was so cold, I was sick of that water. It got me a little homesick.
I love warm water.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

This will be beautiful when it grows

I love you, Garden!!!!!
peas and Radishes
happy Earth day