What were you for Halloween?

Friday, April 27, 2007

The same thing that it was like for me

The worm was very cute and slimy.
The worm was protecting soil for our garden.

Gravity is something that pulls everything down. It's an invisible force.

The balls rolled down the stairway. That was funny because I didn't notice that gravity was coming.

I was going a little crazy like a housefly. Because I didn't know I was crazy like a housefly.

The picture is so cute. I love it.

We were playing bocce for 15 minutes. Olivia was there. She wanted to play with us. I was getting points. Olivia kept sneaking through, but I got a little sneaking through.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were crazy like a houselfy either but I've got to admit, it makes sense.

Aunt Marian said...

If you're crazy like a housefly, it's probably because you're my nephew and I'm nuttier than a bowl of peanuts!

I miss you and am happy to see your blog.

The Paquette Brothers said...

Thank you for saying that Aunt Marian and Daddy because you were very nice about your comments.

Anonymous said...

Hey Skippy,

Remember when we played bocce at the lake house last summer? We had fun.

Love, Mimi

Coreyalison said...

Yuck! Worms! But they are good for soil, you are right, Sebastian!

Bocce looks like so much fun!
