What were you for Halloween?

Thursday, April 26, 2007

My favorite movie is...

My favorite movie is Dumbo. Sometimes the elephants call him "Jumbo" but one of the elephants says, "Jumbo? You mean Dumbo." Dumbo and Dumbo rhyme because they have the same letters. I like all of it. And the bubble part. Because of the song called "Pink Elephants on Parade." A Bachyderm is an elephant that has a trunk and then a worm trunk. It's very funny on the part after that because of the silly words the crow with the circle glasses says.


Anonymous said...

Maybe we can watch Dumbo next weekend. Love, Mimi

Anonymous said...

I like that movie, too. One of my other favorites is Charlotte's Web. It's so funny!

The Paquette Brothers said...

I have Charlotte's Web, too, and I love Charlotte's Web!