What were you for Halloween?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Black Mountain View

It was a beautiful day when me, Mama, and Dorian and Daddy set off for an adventure on Black Mountain. Here are two views of what it looked like in two places at the top of the mountain.

I am cuddled up tight in my warm snow suit. The wind is about to kill me of cold, although I am really warm. So I put my hands up. We also found a bunch of different kinds of animal tracks. We found a bunny's, dog's, deer's, and even chipmunk's. And even bird's.

I am walking in a secret path wondering when we had to get back home. I saw a village ahead, but it was not too long. Sebastian was called "Ice Man". Dorian named hisself "Ouch" because he wore his hat and not his balaclava. It was very cold and I didn't have any balaclava and I just have one eye. I can just bounce on one eye today.

This is a really funny movie because if you look, you'll see that I am sliding down with funny parts in it.

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