What were you for Halloween?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The West River with Riley... and Davy!

This is a really big leaf! It's giant! Just crazy! I found them. [These leaves were an amazing 12 inches wide!]
There were Sebastian and me were climbing up. We said, "Who is in the water fishing for leaves?" and "Who is in the water mixing their paints?" There you go, fish!

We were saying, "There you go, fish!" when we were fishing for leaves. We also said, "Bad fish!" and "Stay right there, fish! Don't flip one fin!"

There were all kind of stuff were in the rocks. In the weasel you won't get to me, bubble! When I felled in the water, I was all too wet. Put a towel on me. But Mama didn't have one, so Amanda gave me one. So Amanda got me one. Good. Then we are going to our house again.

Now we're throwing rocks into the water from so high.

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