What were you for Halloween?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Music land

See me? I have the red thing. I'm the wingless fairy opera singer. Dorian is the Santa Claus opera singer. And Lydia is the princess tiger opera singer. The red thing is a red guitar. I'm holding it because I like to play it while singing an opera. I love being together with my opera singer friends. We had a super good time! I played a ballet, we also played a cowboy dance, we had something even wonderfuller-- after singing our opera, we would go to Lake Spofford! Yay!


jamie said...

looks like Dee-Dee is gearing up for the annual "Christmas In July" sales down at the mall. Snow pants 1/2 off (better pull them up)!

Anonymous said...

I love the opera singer outfits. Can't wait to hear some opera singing!