What were you for Halloween?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Winter Time Fun! (Snowmen)

In this picture you can see we are with this snowman and it doesn't really have a carrot nose, just a wood nose. And it's smoking a pipe. We made it out of a set we got, I think, last winter. It was fun making the snowmans.
This is one we mainly decorated out of plastic Easter egg parts. In this picture you can see I'm wearing a super suit. It has like these robots two together and then another set two together.Mom made the snowman's face --look mean!-- all out of things you eat. The eyes are apricots, it has a carrot nose, and a Brazil nut mouth. We wanted to make a mean face.

This is our snow fort we made. This afternoon it all crumbled up and I don't know where all those buried snowballs I made are. They probably are under the blocks of snow that we used to partly make the wall of the fort. It's very cool, I think. And it's very fancy, I think. I think it crumbled because it was so hot outside today. And the snow fort was so cool that I thought we were not only, like, carpenters, we also seemed like architects.

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