What were you for Halloween?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Our trip

We went on a trip. I read books. We drank juice and ate snacks. And ate Mama.

Our first stop was Jamie and Kaci's house. I liked it there. I felt sick.

I'm reading The Pop-up Mice of Mr. Brice. Jamie came over to our house one time.

We went to the Natural History museum. It looks like I'm getting my head eaten off by a dinosaur skeleton. But not really. I'm just standing in front of it. I felt sicker. The Natural History museum is in Washington, DC at the Smithsonian. And we went on escalators.

That's me! That's us. We are in front of the "castle." The weather was really rainy, but now the rain has sort of stopped, but then it rained again after that.

Here's the Washington Monument you see here. That's me! We went to Washington, DC with my grandma.

We're at the Metro station. I thought it was really cool. It had lots of nice lights and escalators and machinery. Definitely lots of that. I just really liked it. I liked going on the trains and going through those stuff and going up the escalators. The place spread with excitement. It means someone spread, like, a jar of excitement jam all over it. It seemed like the future.

We went to Uncle Jack's house for the last house. I liked to call him Uncle Snack. I really liked it. We played music there and slept there and played there. We saw some ponies, real live ponies and... turtles! and egrets. We had some ice cream, too. I had cotton candy party. I had chocolate swirl! It always kept melting. I ate the cone last. They had a floppy frisbee with lots of arms. We played a game with it. How you play is that there's a fan above you and you're trying to throw the frisbee onto the fan. And then you put the fan on and it rains all over the place. When it falls off the spinning fan, you never know where it's gonna land, 'cause every time it lands in a different direction.

I liked going on the trip. It was a good time there.

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