Sorry it has been so long since our last post. Between the death of my better camera at the hands of 2 young men and Blogger deciding we were a "spam blog", there hasn't been a whole lot happening in the "Mystery Hours". Allow us to update you on our month...
Sebastian launched a rocket. Well, when we were gonna find it, we couldn't find it anywhere. Bob was looking on the roof but we didn't know how he got there, so we asked him and he said, "I put my finger on my nose and blasted up!" "How did you really get up there?" "I pulled myself up."
Mama gave a picture about the radishes and I showed one that I bit while I was eating a cookie. Good cookie. What about the radish? It was dirty so I ate the dirt right off.
The radishes are different colors: red, purple, and white.
I really liked them! They were delicious! Just a little bit spicy. It made me jump a little, but they were okay. The radishes were really growing good.
When we went to the river with Lydia, we were going to the West River and then after a little bit, we saw some frog eggs. They felt slimy.

We caught a
crawfish. It was cool. I liked looking at its little pincers. Actually I liked every single part of it. If you look closely, you can probably see something that looks like a miniature lobster... that's the
We thought it wanted some grass and rocks. We were playing in the pool with Wyatt. We did something fun. We took out all the toys and jumped and dived in.
Well, when I was going in sometimes, I had some water from it. I did a couple cannonballs.
I did one cannonball. We said funny things when we dived.
Like I said, "Farty cookie lookie bookie crookie." I said, "Bookie
lookie farting cookie."
We had circuit board bathing suits. They were awesome! I thought they were pretty cool. They even had nice magenta dotted lines.