What were you for Halloween?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Busy Birthday Weekend

I'm looking at my box of robotics. I built the remote control robot. I also got some Ed Emberley books and another drawing book with a pen and 2 colored pencils. I also got an electric bell and K'nex. It was fun playing with them and building them. I'm holding my best friend Kiki who is a knit cat. I love her. I also love her, too.
We were lying next to the robot. Me and Daddy and Dorian made it with blue tape. I made it because of my special birthday party.

We're making a potion. We'll throw it at Mama. We used chalk, water, dirt, packed down soil, and bugs. And bug blood. We also used pumpkin guts.
Look at our robot cake! Don't you see all the buttons and the big funny face? I do, but Dorian doesn't see. [Kids laughing.] I do, but Sebastian doesn't see. [They cackle and repeat themselves endlessly. Let's move on.]

Mama's bringing out the cake. And you know what? It had a lemon flavor.

Today we went to Gone Bananas. I'm playing the Dog Pounder.

I'm playing Arctic Thunder. We were in something.

Now we're playing Dance Dance Revolution. It was special because it was Japanese, my favorite language. It's my favorite language because they have cute words.

My birthday is great! I feel happy to be 6!

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