We are all decked out in our Halloween gear for my Halloween birthday party. What a scream!

Do you like double attacks? Cuz here comes one.

The way to draw it is pick a card out of a pumpkin bucket (no peeking) and whatever body part the card says you have to draw. For example, those creepy red eyes up there with the added eyebrows drawn by me I drew because when I picked the first time, my card was a slip of paper that said "EYES" so I had to follow the directions. I just want you to know that you should really watch out for those poisonous boogers coming out of its nose and the blood coming out of those warts won't give you a nice surprise when you touch them.

Yummy! I love cake! It tasted good. No, not good. Great. No, no great. Super great.
No, not super great. Super duper great.
No, not super duper great. Super duper alley ooper great. This is called Brain Toss. See that white thing sticking out of it, it's a tongue. Just kidding. It's a brain.
I would call that a point because at least the bean bag brain got halfway in. Actually, nobody else threw a brain bean bag halfway in. Mom designed the zombie and I wonder how dad caught the picture of the brain in midair.
I was the one who won the game. Nobody else actually got all of the bean bag brains in the mouth.
I say that it couldn't have come out that great without the help of dad.
You cannot even see the outside of the pumpkin, you can only see the face of it.
This is both of us in our costumes about to go outside for Halloween. We're making scary faces in this picture, right?
Yes but I'd rather say that in this picture we're "ready to strike." For candy that is.