What were you for Halloween?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Birthday fun

[On November 7, for the boys' birthday present, we took them to the Montshire Museum for some science fun.]

We were on a balcony at the top picture. We haven't never been to the Montshire Museum and that was the first time we went there. We could see the park way down below. It was cool! I couldn't wait to go there after the fun inside.

This is the fog room. I got to stick my head down into a big pit of the fog. It felt a bit warm, but damp. There was also a yellow tube I could hold up and the fog would all spray out. It looked cool!

We were trying to make this dinosaur. We got to learn about paleontologists at this part. We like going on big adventures. This was a big, long day to go here at the Montshire Museum. We had fun. It was hard trying to make the dinosaur, but I finally got to finish it. It's kind of like a one-legged guy who's looking backwards while it's hopping.

[On November 14, we had a birthday party for the boys.]
Cake! Yummy old frosty candy old cake! Yummy yummy licorice, yummy yummy starbursts, yummy yummy m&ms. Yummy yummy cake! After a few days, I got to have some of the cake with ice cream for dessert. It's delicious!

Cake time is now! Let's have some cake! If you look at the top of the picture, you might think that we're sitting around a campfire. But if you think that, that's the wrong answer. It's really the candle flames on the cake.
Lydia! I love Lydia! We were playing "Pin the Machinery and Buttons on the Robot". I was 7 and I got one of the antennae on correctly with a blindfold, but I was surprised when I saw 8 year old Archer suddenly just stick the wire with the plug on backwards. It looked really silly. Another silly part of the game was when Dorian's friend Skyler stuck a button on upside down.

This is Cozmo and us. Cozmo is a robot. Dad and Sebastian made it. Sebastian made the buttons and Cozmo and screen and stuff like that. Dad made the feet and the body and arms and head-- like, that stuff. Cozmo is the completed robot that we made. If you look on the upper part of his body, you might see his name on the nameplate.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Field trip

I went to a field trip. I went to Stonewall Farm. We went to see this thing called the Great Pumpkin. The Great Pumpkin was sleeping when we got there. There were these rug seats you got to sit on. We yelled, "Wake up, Great Pumpkin!" The Great Pumpkin told us a story. When she was done, we got to pollinate the flowers-- the pumpkin flowers.

I'm pollinating a flower in this picture. They are yellow.
We got these pumpkins. We're gonna make a sweet snack with our pumpkins. At snack, we had apple cider and pumpkin cookies. I had fun eating the snack.

This picture we got to pick two apples and put them into this apple cider press. It didn't work out so fine, but there was this other thing. You had to push down this black thing and it would make the apple cider. It was attached.
The end. That's it.

Monday, November 2, 2009


I was a mad scientist. I got a test tube that looked like it was glowing. And I got the idea because I liked stuff like mad scientists and also, I'm going to be a mad scientist when I grow up so that was the whole point of it. And then Dad put some big black splotches of face paint and bits of red so it looked like something exploded in front of me.
I was a skeleton. I got this whole idea. There was some face paint to make a whole skeleton. There's no red on a skeleton. Skeletons do not have red blood. Sometimes they do. Well, I like Trick or Treating. I got some Starbursts and a brown bag of m&ms. I like Trick or Treating on Halloween.
We had a whole crowd of people Trick or Treating with us. They were Archer and his family, Quinn and Amelia, and their parents, and Lucy's friend Lily and her mother the second grade teacher at my school, Pam Maile. Lucy had a different color of ours: pink.

We made a candy town! This is the picture of Sebastian's part. He made a passage way. I didn't really make a passage way but I made a lot of buildings. We had fun making our town out of candy.